PADI will be featuring Thailand on their updated website for the month of July.
More than 250,000 unique visitors come to the padi website every month – many of which are looking for a PADI Dive Shop. We have two upgrades on the Dive Shop Locator designed to make your listing stand out from the crowd and make it easier for potential eLearners to pick you.
Improve your listing with the following upgrade:
Premium Listing – previously called Optional “I”
On the new website, this upgrade now places an image next to your main directory listing making your listing standout! The additional information gives potential consumers an organized snapshot of all your facility has to offer in one convenient area. When the consumer clicks on your more info button a window opens to display your information card:
Showcase your store with information like hours of operation, rental equipment, travel and more
Post three color images plus your logo – the image in the image one position is now displayed on the main landing page
Information appears under easy-to-navigate tabs
Update the information as often as you like
Details display in a mobile friendly version on the PADI mobile phone app
Details and images display on your ScubaEarth profile page!
**NEW**Image displays directly on the main directory listing!
This upgrade is available for US$160 for one year.
If you already have the upgrade or are interested in banner advertising rates, please contact me for specials.
Also, since we will be directing consumers to the Dive Shop Locator for a list of Dive Shops, I’d like to ask you to please take a moment if you haven’t already done so to verify your facility is displayed in the correct location. If you need to move the location of your pin, we’ve created a simple tool for you to make the correction. Here are the 8 steps to change your location:
Log into the new PADI Pros area as the Dive Shop
Turn off your Pop-up blocker – very important
Click on My Account
Then under My Store Applications, click on Adjust your location on the PADI Dive Shop Locator
Enter your complete address and click submit
If necessary move your pin to the correct location – you can actually place the pin right on your roof by clicking the satellite button in the upper right of the map.
Once your pin is in the correct spot, click on it.
It will bring up a box with your coordinates – simply click on the email coordinates button and you’re done. The website will update in about 2 business days.