IDC Guide


Dive Courses

Select any of the PADI courses below to see all about whats involved and the minimum entry requirements. They are ideal / sample course details and IDC Guide does not conduct these courses.

This are the ideal course standards, every student will receive his or her own study kits, all prices quoted are exactly what you will pay – there will be no hidden charges or extra costs (like PADI registration fees or PIC costs). All courses, up to Divemaster should include the PADI manuals required for the course and PADI Certification fee in the course price, there should be hidden costs, look at the specific course details for further information.

Your dive instructors will be experienced and you will have fun learning and diving with them, we use the latest PADI teaching materials and the most up to date teaching standards.

After you have completed your initial courses (Discover Scuba / Open Water) you will probably want to start buying your own equipment, initially your own mask, fins and snorkel are strongly recommended. If you have not purchased scuba gear, we have lots of experience of supplying the most appropriate and very best gear at the very best prices for your diving enjoyment and safety. The dive center is able to supply a huge range of diving equipment and PADI materials to cover all your needs and will be delighted to offer advice on anything you are interested in hiring or buying.

You can be 100% sure that you will be in safe hands when you take any courses with us and once you have completed your course not only will you have had had a great experience but you will leave with a smile on your face.

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