IDC Guide

Skills Circuits

You can use this list as a reminder of the steps and stages for each Skill during your Skill Circuits that you will have to perform on your PADI Divemaster course and IDC

Equipment assembly/ disassembly
Assembly – Scuba unit

Cylinder & valve

  • visual inspection sticker
  • valve cover
  • O-ring
  • burst disk.


  • nylon tank band
  • low pressure inflator
  • quickdump valves
  • over pressure release valve
  • positioning on tank.

Regulator set

  • first stage (changing air to intermediate pressure)
  • dust cap
  • second stage
  • low pressure inflator hose and “quick disconnect”
  • SPG (caution zone) & depth gauge
  • positioning and assembly

Turning air on position of SPG
Post assembly check
Proper positioning of unit when leaving it unattended

Weight belt

  • Weights positioning design
  • Proper assembly and handling of weight belt (to avoid weights falling off)
  •  Righthand release
  •  distribution of weights

Disassembly Scuba unit

  • Turning air off depressurising regulator set/hoses
  • Disconnect hoses and disassembly and storage of equipment

Predive safety check (BWRAF)

  • BCD Inflate/ deflate BCD, check over pressure relief valve
  • Weights Right hand release, buckle properly closed
  • Releases familiarise and check buddy’s releases including tank band
  • Air Check  air is on, check SPG, and breathe simultaneously from both second stages whilst watching SPG.
  • Final OK Check for streamlining and complete equipment

Deepwater entry

  • Inflate BCD
  • Regulator in
  • Check entry area is clear then approach entry area
  • Toes over the edge of dive platform
  • Place left hand on weight belt buckle
  • Look straight ahead
  • Right hand on regulator and mask
  • Giant stride entry
  • Rotate 180 degrees, signal OK
  • Swim away from entry area and exchange to snorkel

Buoyancy check at surface

  • Inflate BCD
  • Breathe in and hold a normal breath
  • Deflate your BCD enough so you float at eyelevel
  • Signal descenting floating at eyelevel
  • Exhale to slowly descent

Snorkel Regulator exchange

  • Inflate BCD
  • Breathe in
  • Replace snorkel with regulator and show bubbles
  • Clear regulator
  • Breathe
  • Replace reg with snorkel and clear snorkel
  • Start with snorkel and finish with snorkel having cleared the regulator twice.

Fivepoint descent
1. Signal buddy
2. Orientation orient yourself and look for underwater obstacles
3. Regulator Exchange snorkel for regulator
4. Time note the time/turn the bezel/start timer
5. Equalized Descent deflate bcd and equalize as you go down

Regulator recovery and clearing
1. Deflate BCD
2. Breathe in, take regulator out, blow bubbles and have the mouth piece pointing down
3. Move regulator behind your shoulder with straight arms and drop it
4. Lean to the right, touch your thigh, then bottom of your tank and move your arm backwards before the sweeping motion to recover your regulator.
5. Run your left hand down your right arm to find your regulator
6. Replace and clear regulator and breathe

Mask removal, replacement and clearing
1. Deflate BCD
2. flood mask
3. remove mask
4. hold mask in front of you and take several breaths
5. Place thumb in nose pocket to orient the mask
6. Replace mask
7. clear trapped hairs from the seal
8. position strap
9. look down
10. breathe in
11. press the mask against your forehead
12. exhale through nose whilst slowly looking up clearing the mask in one go

Alternate airsource assisted ascent
1. Deflate BCD
2. Signal out of air
3. Secure and clear alternate air source
4. Lock arms and signal OK & up
5. Look up and swim to the surface slowly
6. Inflate BCD orally

Air depletion and alternate air source use (stationary)
1. Signal assistant and students
2. Deflate BCD
3. Signal assistant to turn air off
4. Face the students showing them your SPG signal that you aren’t looking
5. Breathe slowly
6. Signal out of air
7. Secure and clear alternate air source
8. Lock arms and signal OK & up
9. Remind students they have to do this for 30 seconds

Freeflow regulator breathing
1. Deflate BCD
2. Tilt head to the right
3. Have half of the mouthpiece out of your mouth
4. Press the purge button continuously and sip the air
5. Replace the mouthpiece
6. Remind students that they have to do this for 30 seconds

Neutral buoyancy
1. Deflate BCD
2. Lie on the bottom and equalize
3. Indicate spreading your legs
4. Breathe and signal that you are not yet neutral
5. Add air to your BCD and repeat step 4 until you are neutral
6. Signal rising and falling as you breathe

Fivepoint ascent
1. Signal buddy
2. Time note the time
3. Eyes look up
4. Arms elevate arms
5. Kick to start the ascent

Controlled Emergency Swimming Ascent (CESA)
1. Add air to BCD to be neutral
2. Take deep breath and start the swim
3. Continuously make an AAHHHHH sound  and signal this to the students
4. Do not exceed 18 metres per minute whilst you swim the 9m

Hover motionless for 30 seconds
1. Add air to the BCD and take a breath repeat until you are neutral buoyant
2. Signal your breathing as you hover motionless
3. Remind students about the 30 sec

Underwater swim without a mask
1. Deflate BCD
2. Remove mask
3. Add air to your BCD so you are neutral and swim for at least 15 metres
4. Replace and clear mask

Remove and replace weight system underwater
1. Deflate BCD
2. Release weights, hold onto male end and hold them close to your chest
3. Replace weights by bending over to let weights rest on your back as you secure the  buckle

Remove and replace scuba unit underwater
1. Deflate BCD
2. Loosen shoulder straps and unclip SPG
3. Run your finger down the centre of your body from chin to stomach and undo every clip/cumberband
4. Remove left arm from BCD
5. Swing BCD around, remove right arm and rest unit in front of you
6. To replace, start with your right arm hold tank to swing BCD around
7. Replace unit and secure all releases and hoses

Remove and replace weight system on the surface
1. Inflate BCD
2. Release weights, hold onto male end and hold them close to your chest
3. Replace weights by bending over to let weights rest on your back as you
secure the buckle

Remove and replace scuba unit on the surface

1. Inflate BCD
2. Loosen shoulder straps and unclip SPG
3. Run your finger down the centre of your body from chin to stomach and undo every clip/cumberband
4. Swing BCD around and rest unit in front of you
5. To replace, sit on BCD and replace BCD by sliding into position
6. Replace unit and secure all releases and hoses

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